So I kinda wanted to clarify something because I was a bit hypocritical upon rewatching that video. I do not think it was actually cold blooded of Skye to get rid of Boog (hell I was considering nominating her myself) but I think it ended up coming off that way because of how she and Boog interacted.
Of all people I had to tell anyone about the 1 game people would recognize me from it was you. Definitely a rookie alias mistake on my part. I can only imagine what was going through your head as I was telling you the story of when you voted me out to you. I am so embarrassed lmao
LMAO well luckily it really didn't impact anything in the game. I really liked you both before and after I knew the player behind the alias .
Honestly, the hardest part for me in an alias game is not revealing my identity. I am SO bad at at it that even when I think I am being discreet people figure out who I am in like two seconds. I try not to mention things that will give myself away but I guess I just have a way of talking that indicates who I am? IDK XD.