1. Whose gameplay did you respect the most? would it be conceited to say my own because definitely my own. 2. What was the funniest moment in the house? when jeff drove around in his new ford focus tbh 3. Which two houseguests would make a good showmance? me/skye/casey/boog polyamorous foursome. i reject your monoamorinormity 4. What was the most shocking moment in the house? calum being pissy about wanting to make a big move after his flop reign 5. What was the fatal error you made in the house? not winning a challenge at f4. 6. What was the worst move of the game? evicting greg unanimously lol. 7. Who needed a reality check? probably me for being naive enough to believe skye would take me to the end. 8. Who was the most annoying houseguest? JOEY PLS DO A THING PLS P L S you could have been so great and you just arrived in sad flaccid spurts 9. Which houseguest deserved their eviction? boog should have nominated me/skye, so i'd say boog.