Welcome to the third Head of Household competition. Tonight's competition is called "123456..."!
This is the last round before jury and usually we like to have an endurance competition but since it's middle of the week we thought it would be unfair. So instead we're gonna have a speed competition that lasts exactly one hour!
Houseguests will use the images below
to count as much as they can in one hour. You can prepare your posts but you cannot make the thread beforehand. You're not allowed to use your phone and you only get one attempt! If you make a mistake, do not edit or delete. Just post again. If you fail to follow these simple rules, you will be DQ from the competition.
Here is an example:
Post 1:
Post 2:
Post 3:
and so on!
The houseguest to count the highest will be the new Head of Household. Tahan cannot compete for being outgoing HOH. You have 24 hours to start the competition.